Environmental Policy
(ISO 14001:2015)
Robert Hall shall produce products that meet internal and customer quality expectations while operating in an environmentally sustainable and responsible manner. Robert Hall’s management team is committed to implementing an effective Environmental Management System (EMS) to accomplish our business objectives while also fulfilling our responsibility to the environment.
To minimize our environmental impact concerning our activities, products, and services, O’Neill shall:
Conduct business in such a way that environmental challenges are managed as an integral part of current and changing business strategies;
Comply with all local, state, and federal environmental regulations and laws and maintain our compliance commitments and obligations;
Review each aspect of our activities to develop a complete understanding of their actual and potential environmental impact both within our operational sites as well as to our neighbors surrounding these sites;
Determine and implement control methods to ensure the potential for negative environmental impacts from our operations are limited;
Promote the reduction of waste, minimize the consumption of resources, and pollution prevention;
Monitor and track over time the consumption of resources and activities that may have an environmental impact from our operation.
Robert Hall is committed to continuous improvement of the EMS. This policy shall be communicated to our internal teams and external stakeholders and will be made publicly available.